Thursday, April 15, 2010

Audiodaughter Begins

After one too many lectures about how digital media is killing the music industry and how vinyl is the only way to listen to music, I, audiodaughter, had the most overwhelming sensation to scream. "What did you want to shriek?" You ask. Well, something along the lines of this...



"MUSIC IS ABOUT BEAT & LYRICS...Not Mono or Stereo!"

...but those were really long sentences to shout. Plus, I'm not exactly a screamer. So, I've started a blog. It's a place for my definition of real music lovers. Real music lovers are...

People who love almost everything
People who buy vinyl, CDs & digital recordings because they NEED the music and they buy what's closest or cheapest.
People who sink deep into lyrics & rise up for a good beat.
People who are obsessive about what they love...and who love A LOT.

Real music lovers are not audiophiles. They don't hate something because it's not on vinyl. They don't necessarily own absolutely the best sound equipment for listening to music. They don't decide what counts as good music or bad music. They care more about the words and the harmonies themselves than how they were recorded.

Most importantly, though, real music lovers are just that: They're lovers, not fighters.

How'd I get my name? Simple: I gave up trying to find a better one. Plus, this is fitting because I am the daughter of two music lovers. I am the daughter (and granddaughter) of decades of music that I love very, very much. And, in more ways than one, the music I've listened to since before birth has shaped me into the person I am today...with the help of my parents.

And the tagline? Well, let's face it: Audiophiles don't exactly like people who say, "I don't really care where it came from or how it was recorded: I buy it where I can find it, in whatever format is slipped into my hands first." Why? Because all that's important to me is that I HAVE it.

So, here I am. Audiodaughter. And here you are: Audiodaughter reader. Here's what you can expect: Reviews and Ramblings. I'll tell you what I think of new stuff. I'll give you my take on old stuff. Sometimes, it'll be a whole album that's playing as I type. Other times it may just be one song with one great memory. Here's what I expect from you: If you agree, disagree or have a music moment-tell me. I want to know what you think. I want to know who you are and why you're that way.

Listen with me. Bond with me. Take over Audiophiles with me.

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