Monday, January 2, 2012

Review- Florence & The Machine's Ceremonials

Oh, Flo!

Admittedly, I was a little late on the Florence Welch bandwagon. It’s not that it took me awhile to like her-I just seemed to miss her completely. I was only just falling in love with her debut album, Lungs, when talk of the follow up began to spring forth.

The Drumming Song. From Lungs

While sophomore albums sometimes tend to take awhile to catch on with fans, the Flombies (yep, they call themselves that) have latched onto Ceremonials from its very beginning and seem to love it just as much as the first. Meanwhile, it has also begun eating at the brains of others and creating new Flombies.

“Shake it Out” has quickly become an anthem for old and new fans. Popularity-wise, it has surpassed Ceremonials' first single, “What The Water Gave Me.” When she performed both on SNL, it was in a rush of flailing limbs, swishing hips and gasp-worthy vocals...but that’s typical Flo style.

Shake It Out.

With a gospel edge that I’m entirely sure no other pasty Ginger could pull off quite so perfectly, Ceremonials has quickly become a must-have for a whole new set of staggering, murmuring followers. The album has been out for a couple months now and is still in heavy rotation at my house. Ceremonials is definitely one of my favorite albums of 2011 and worth finding its way into your collection.

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